Stephenson Harwood Employment Podcast

Employment law podcast: Fertility, infertility and pregnancy loss



To mark Baby Loss Awareness Week which falls on 9th to 15th October 2022 our latest podcast deals with the sensitive topic of fertility, infertility and pregnancy loss. We look at why this is a workplace issue and what employers can do to support employees going through these experiences. This episode is different to the rest of our employment law series as rather than a deep dive into the legal framework it’s a discussion of where the law stands, or rather trails behind, modern society and the challenges faced by many.  We will discuss this through the prism of the personal experience of one of our partners, Suzanne Johnston. Suzanne is a partner in our top-ranked international private wealth team, she is based in Singapore and has recently won a prestigious award for Wealth Management Rising Star Under 40 at the WealthBriefingAsia Awards 2022.  Suzanne is a prominent advocate in promoting dialogue around issues of fertility and pregnancy loss, particularly in the workplace context, and has kindly agreed to