Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Is HSP Causing Your Mystery Symptoms?



Clinical psychologist Elaine Aron developed the term Highly Sensitive Person (also known as an HSP) in the early 1990s. The phrase HSP describes a trait that refers to an overly-sensitive central nervous system and often manifests as an increased awareness of physical, emotional, and social stimuli.In this episode, we welcome the author of ‘The Sensitive Ones,’ speaker, coach, and Empath Mama - Heather Nardi. Heather has dedicated her career to supporting highly sensitive and empath moms and moms with highly sensitive kids to live healthy, empowered lives. Heather shares with us her and her daughter’s journey of discovery plus• How to own your needs, set boundaries, and focus lovingly less on others;• How to cope with internal and external stimuli when it turns into added stress;• How to stay grounded and build resilience and much more...More about our Guest: Heather Nardi draws from her extensive education as a Holistic Life Coach and spiritual practitioner to create specialized tools and programs for sensit