Mavericks In Motion

Give To Receive With Tian Mu



Having lived in Los Angeles on and off for 28 years and volunteered at a women’s homeless shelter on Skid Row since 2011, Brethren Shoes’ founder and CEO, Tian Mu, had become deeply saddened and frustrated by the city’s ever-worsening homelessness issue. Nearly every major freeway off ramp had someone holding a sign asking for spare change. “How can I offer a more meaningful change?” Tian would often ask himself. As fate would have it, he met his beautiful queen in late 2016 and having learned her family has been making quality men’s shoes for three decades, he found his answer (or at least, the beginning of it). When Tian decided to found the company in late 2017 due to a divine inspiration, he pondered long and hard on the name. After numerous clever attempts (including, Tian finally asked himself: Why am I starting this company and whom am I serving? “My brothers, of course. These are shoes for my brothers!” 11 seconds later, Brethren Shoes was born. Brethren is not your typical ecomme