The Travelers

204: Change Your Role in Life with Jacqueline Kehoe



Jacqueline Kehoe is a travel writer and the author behind The Strange and New, a name taken from a poem that ends with a couplet which I grabbed from her website: "...But they're always tired of the things that are and they want the strange and new." I believe those two lines describe people like us, certainly me and perhaps you. In Jacqueline's words, those lines are meant "for those who have their traveling paint set in hand, who globe-trot to become, and who yearn for experiences that are really just a series of interesting guesses."  A single trip to Viet Nam lasted longer than this midwestern girl expected and today, from North Carolina, she's channeling a love of travel into narrative style prose. I'm excited in this episode to get into who Jacqueline is, where that perspective comes from, what happened in Viet Nam, her backstory and travels and how theater, like travel, might offer a glimpse into how it feels to try on different masks. Become a Friend of the Show: Please subscribe and review! It just t