The Travelers

184: Rebuilding Your Life at Sea with Justin Tyers



"Losing everything, as shocking as it was at the time, kind of sets you free because suddenly you know what it is to lose everything. So you don't fear failure and loss quite as much because you've already experienced it." Justin Tyers and his wife Linda lost everything they had in the middle of the night. But instead of letting this devestate their lives, they chose to see this as an opportunity to pursue the life they'd always dreamed of. Without any experience, they set sail to live on a boat to sail across the coasts of Ireland and Scotland. What happened at home in the middle of the night, well I'll let Justin tell that story... Explore further Justin Tyers website Canvas Flying, Seagulls Crying, Justin's latest book Credits Music credit: Intrepid Journey, by Aaron Static Become a Friend of the Show: Please subscribe and review! It just takes a second and you can help the show increase its rankings on iTunes just by this simple and quick gesture. We’d be grateful for a review. Leave one here. If you d