The Travelers

182: Let Travel Be Your Guide with Paula Froelich



Today I get to sit down with a friend, who holds one of the most coveted gigs in the travel business as editor in chief of Yahoo Travel. Among the many hats worn over at Yahoo, Paula hosts A Broad Abroad, a must-watch travel series exploring the less expected stories hidden in places very few people think to go, like skiing in Afghanistan. Who knew? Before this gig, she was the deputy editor of the gossip column for the New York Post, authored multiple books and been featured in Vanity Fair, Glamour, the Post and many more. Here’s why I love Paula: From the second I met her at a party in Mexico, then again in Athens, she’s been high energy, enthusiastic, helpful, kind, and fun. And I wanted to bring all of that to this show today. Explore further Yahoo! Travel A Broad Abroad @pfro on Twitter Credits Music credit: Intrepid Journey, by Aaron Static Become a Friend of the Show: Please subscribe and review! It just takes a second and you can help the show increase its rankings on iTunes just by this simple an