The Travelers

179: Extreme Travel Stories with Brad Bernard



Brad Bernard is a former-corporate-consultant-turned-writer by day, and extreme experience junkie by night — Brad is the guy behind My Wanderlist, a travel blog documenting his extreme travel experiences — such as dancing with corpses, eating tarantula, hitchhiking across Saudi Arabia, living with sea gypsies, and being arrested in Oman, as one does right? The world is a full of adventure and Brad is pushing the boundaries of what you might believe to be possible in the interest of genuinely interesting story. And that’s why I had to have Brad come on the show - because not only is he, quite extremely, doing the stuff of legend, but taking a journalists eye to craft the stories he’s telling in a compelling style on his blog. Explore further: My Wanderlist, Brad's travel blog Credits Music credit: Intrepid Journey, by Aaron Static Become a Friend of the Show: Please subscribe and review! It just takes a second and you can help the show increase its rankings on iTunes just by this simple and quick gesture. We