The Travelers

168: Third Culture Kids Explained with Tayo Rockson



Tayo Rockson just launched his podcast, As Told by Nomads — which you can find under places and travel, among other categories on iTunes. But it has a different angle. Tayo is exploring this pre-existing concept known as Third Culture Kids, or TCKs. Which are essentially kids who have grown up outside of their parents culture. This creates an interesting person who’s able to connect with outside cultures, while never claiming ownership to just one. I’m curious about what Tayo’s up to with this project, and his perspective on TCKs, and how exposure to other global cultures - particularly at a young age - can effect the mindset of a person and how they live their life. Explore further: As Told by Nomads, podcast by Tayo Rockson UYD Mag, Tayo's online magazine @tayorockson on Twitter Credits Music credit: Intrepid Journey, by Aaron Static Become a Friend of the Show: Please subscribe and review! It just takes a second and you can help the show increase its rankings on iTunes just by this simple and quick ges