The Travelers

133: “If They Can Do It, Why Not Me?” with Johnny FD



“One of the things I admire most about travelers is how independent and confident they are. Those are qualities I never had growing up.” Today’s guest left a life in California to spend 4 years on the road with friends before settling, broke, in Thailand to study Muay Thai kickboxing and try his hand at entrepreneurship. He is the host of the Travel like a Boss podcast, where he interviews location independent entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs about their 4-hour work week style businesses, many of whom are living and working in Southeast Asia. I’m happy to welcome Johnny on the show today to share his stories and explore his relationship to travel, as well as the entrepreneurial scene there in Chiang Mai, Thailand - what that’s like, and what Johnny’s working on. What We Cover: How travel, and discovering a love of diving, helped Johnny come to the realization that he wanted to invest in experiences rather than things. Why he considers slow travel to foreign places to be “real travel”, as opposed to quick st