The Travelers

117: How Trippy was Born from a Love of Travel with Founder J.R. Johnson



JR Johnson is the CEO and founder of Trippy, a really fantastic Q&A website for anyone who has travel questions and wants answers from real people, or feels compelled to share their own travel stories and information. Formerly, JR founded Virtual Tourist, which became one of the largest travel communities in the world — and he's also started other companies which have since been acquired by Expedia. Having grown up in Southern California, I’m curious where in his life and why travel has played such a prominent role for JR and how it has led him to launch my favorite of his endeavors to date Trippy. What we cover: How JR got into the travel game with Virtual Tourists in 1999 through a burning desire to create great content about travel. How listening to the advice of a stranger led JR to uncover a simple, life-changing travel experience that would go on to inspire the course of his career in tech. JR’s fondest travel memory (Read it on Trippy) that he never experienced had he not ventured into the unkno