The Travelers

81: Shannon O’Donnell’s Service-Based Travel and Life



In 2008, Shannon O'Donnell took off a year off from her career in to go around the world, supporting herself with her SEO, and make a travel a bigger priority in her life. Today, she's been on the road for five and a half years, and helps others get started doing the same at her blog A Little Adrift, while supporting herself along the way as an independent consultant, writer, and photographer. She is also the author of The Volunteer Traveler's Handbook and as such is a foremost expert online and off, in the topic of volunteer travel. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn What We Cover: How Shannon takes a service-based approach to life What compelled her to take the step to make life a bigger priority, and a lifestyle The complications and nuances of selecting an overseas volunteer work opportunity Research and do your background work on what it means to develop a country. Don't assume that you're perfect for any job. Words from an Explorer: “All of this that is gonna happen and I don’