The Travelers

80: Overcoming Solo Female Travel Fears with Becki Enright



In 2007, Becki Enright left her career in Public Relations and set out from her home in England for her first solo-female travel experience to Vietnam. Seven years later, she has yet to stop. She’s been through China, Mongolia. India, Kenya, Magadgascar, the United States, Israel and the West Bank, Taiwan and the less visited places like Myanmar and North Korea. She's even lived in Cambodia and is on her way to see Iran. All of this by herself. Today she’s an expert in not just South East Asian travel, but the lesser known, more challenging destinations on Earth. To support her life of travel, she works as a freelance advertising, PR, and editorial consultant for hire. And she writes about her ongoing experiences from the road on her blog, Borders of Adventure. After three months in Turkey, Becki is currently traveling through Georgia. I'm thrilled she took time out of her trip to be on the show so I can share her unique approach toward solo-travel as a female to what are perceived by most to be challenging d