The Travelers

68: Give Yourself Permission to Travel with Lillie Marshall



Lillie Marshall is from my hometown of Boston where she taught high school English while spending her summers volunteering in Latin America. In 2012, she took a 9-month career break to finally get out and take that trip to see the world. She went to 8 countries on 3 continents to make travel a bigger priority in her life. She returned from the experience a changed person and now folds travel into her life wherever possible. She takes students on group trips and participates in teacher tours, while making it to places like China (twice), Greece, India and Belize. Most recently she had her first baby and I'm excited to compare notes with her as she adjusts to traveling with an infant, certainly a new style but by no means an end of anyone's travel days. Travel is always a choice and I suggest you take it. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn What We Cover: 2:00 – How Lillie's love of teaching led her to find a love of solo-travel 4:20 - How travel can accelerate your language learning 5: