The Travelers

28: How to Turn a Career Break into a Life of Travel with Sherry Ott – Part 2



Sherry Ott is calling from the other side, where adventure lies, to show you that it’s not that scary, it’s not too uncomfortable, and it’s not a bad career move to take a career break for long term travel. But before she became this explorer of an amazing world, Sherry Ott was living, working, and earning six-figures in New York for three years. But when she was 30, she took a vacation and met other travelers who asked her a question that would change her life. In this episode, you’ll hear how Sherry viewed an extended career break as a challenge, took it on, planned, fell in love with exploration, got hooked, and rather than returning, created her own life of travel. Her story will make career breaks accessible for anyone who is longing for long term travel, and how she’s able to financially support her travel lifestyle through blogging and freelancing. Today, she’s a digital nomad and corporate American runaway, who escaped her cubicle in New York City and has been traveling nomadically and solo for over 7