The Travelers

15: Grant Baldwin on How to Make the Most of a Gap Year



Go to college, incur thousands of dollars of debt, and have no plan to pay it off. "That is a horrible idea." This is the message Grant Baldwin tells his audience every year at Iowa State University freshman orientation, and one he spreads during his travels across the country. Last year, after his talk, a young kid approached him with tears in his eyes and told Grant that he’d always dreamed to go to Iowa State but didn’t have any plan whatsoever. Even though he’d made his lifelong dream to be there a reality, he realized he had no actual reason to be there. Grant's mission is to help students by guiding them towards finding their reason, their path, and their purpose. He's the author of Reality Check, a guide for helping students make that uncomfortable transition for helping students make that transition from high school to college to "the real world." What does this have to do with travel? Everything. Disclaimer: I mention at the beginning of this show that I'm not a parent. As of a week ago, I'm the fath