The Travelers

14: Travel Yourself by Yourself with Cailin O’Neil



Cailin’s been making films since she was 12, and traveling for even longer. So one day, having the background she has, she decided that rather than dream to have her own travel series on television, she’d just go out there and do it herself. She took a videographer with her to Madrid where she filmed the first episode of her own Youtube series, Travel Yourself. Today, rather than following a traditional career path, she’s taking every opportunity she can to get out and see the world and build a life of travel. From her perspective, this huge leap has made her a happier person, and one who can’t ever stop traveling. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn Words from an Explorer: "I don’t think I’m missing out from what I see my friends doing. I just think I’m going to get around to it a different way." Thank her for sharing her story. What you’ll learn: How to travel as a solo female, safely. Why solo travel can be both overwhelming and liberating, and how to balance that. Why certain tour