The Travelers

10: Jodi Ettenberg on Eating Street Food Safely, Plus Her Best Travel Advice – Part 2



Food is an adventure. If you agree with that statement and want to explore a culture through its food but are worried about getting sick, listen to Jodi Ettenberg's advice on how to safely navigate the delicious back alleys of street food, anywhere in the world. As Jodi points out, "I've not found any other thing in travel that compels locals to want to interact with you as much as enthusiasm for their food... Street food, especially, affords this wonderful scene you get to watch. It's like slicing open a culture and then sitting and watching it unfold in front of you. It's really compelling." After saving up as a lawyer in New York City, Jodi Ettenberg took a career break to see the world for a year. Five years later, she has yet to return while manifesting what many would consider to be a dream career as a travel writer, eater, speaker, soup expert, and authority in street food at her website, Legal Nomads. Last year, she received just over one million views. I'm thrilled to welcome her on the show to talk