The Travelers

7: How Getting Laid Off Led Geraldine DeRuiter to Embrace a Life of Travel



Geraldine DeRuiter knew she was going to get laid off. Her boss told her to go to Italy with her friend on a trip they had planned. While she was there, a coworker told her the entire office was being let go. She finished her wine and told her husband, who was back home, preparing for a work trip to Iceland. When he asked if she wanted to go, she said yes. This was in the spring of 2008. She hasn’t stopped since. After a year of traveling with her husband who travels regularly, Geraldine “was bullied into” to start a travel blog by friends. She wrote about the things she did on her own during their trips. She quickly discovered blogging made her happy. Today, thanks to her training as a journalist and ability to infuse her writing with her witty personality, Geraldine’s blog, The Everywhereist, is one of the most popular travel blogs on the internet. Quotes from the Explorer: "Even a miserable travel experience can make a good story. When things go awry, I remind myself this will be funny eventually. And I've