Content Matters

All Things Marketing with Brian Piper: Content, SEO, Analytics, Web3, Oh My!



Marketing is a continually evolving practice, and content marketing is a major element of that practice. Brian Piper, a marketing consultant and the co-author of the upcoming second edition of EPIC Content Marketing, joins us on the Content Matters podcast to talk about content marketing, the upcoming Google Analytics 4, getting better at SEO, and the impact of Web3 on brand marketing. If you want to understand how to evolve your markeing training or where to focus your marketing efforts, this episode is a must-listen. A few highlights: How Brian got started in content marketing thanks to a book called EPIC Content Marketing. How to prepare yourself for GA4 Why brands are getting involved in the creator economy. Why brands should be thinking about Web3 Content marketing in higher education. Where You Can Find Brian: LinkedIn: Website: Twitter: The book: Pre-Order Epic Content Marketing, 2nd Edition Purchase