The Georgia Politics Podcast

SPECIAL: Candidate debates and how to fix them



An ongoing storyline on The Georgia Politics Podcast is the efficacy of the modern day debate format and ways to improve them so that they give voters more useful information. Joining the panel for this special episode is Shruthi Balachander, a Georgia Secretary of State Ambassador and member of Student Leadership Johns Creek. Georgia just saw some of its top tier candidates, most notably Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker, wrap debates with the Atlanta Press Club. They stood behind podiums and answered questions from moderators in what many would describe as a traditional debate. There were no big surprises, and both candidates probably walked off the stage thinking that not much in their race has changed. We don’t know yet how many people tuned in, but its safe to say that it will be a small number. The question is why more people don’t tune in and how do we, the public, convince more people that they should? Shruthi recently helped Student Leadership Johns Creek put on debates for local races in the north