
33. How To Sleep Better Tonight



Learn my top six tips on how to sleep better TONIGHT, because you deserve it, baby. Now, many of us have periods in our lives where sleep may be less attainable or deep, or restful (anyone who is a parent, I bow down to you…). I know that perfect sleep isn’t the end goal for a lot of us. However, that doesn’t mean there can’t be small tweaks to try out or integrate! On today’s episode I outline what checks and balances I prioritize for the majority of people when it comes to sleep issues. You may have a general issue, or something WAY more specific, but you never know… these tips could be what helps you regulate! If you enjoy this episode, please do me a major solid and leave a review for the Essential Omnivore Podcast in Apple Podcasts! It helps the show chart, meaning that more ears and eyes have the opportunity to listen and learn! Thanks for being here, y’all. Shownotes: Appetite Autonomy Course