Nysea Sports Talk

Robotics, cameras and rehab. A perfect combination



Robotics, cameras, and rehab. A perfect combination.  Orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Grant Garcia discusses a new technology that will revolutionize how patients can rehab and how surgeons can teach. We start out discussing the Avail system. A camera system that utilizes technology, networking, and software to combine the perfect partnership. This Avail system will allow doctors to learn and teach in a way they haven't done before. One technology that has the industry buzzing is coming from the company Hrobotics. They have come out with an FDA-registered robotic, physical therapy device for both the upper and lower extremities called Rebless. Rebles allows for passive, active, active-assisted, and resisted training and range of motion measurement, so therapy can be customized based on each patient’s condition and progress. To simplify, as a patient you can take this machine home, and your doctor can program, monitor, and adjust your rehab in real-time. This device can do much more and Dr. Garcia explains all of