

Today we are talking with Jeremy Enns, founder of Podcast Marketing Academy and Counterweight Creative. I have had the honor of knowing ( & becoming great friends with) Jeremy since he first joined LI in 2016 and have watched his businesses grow like crazy. Jeremy (& his partner Kelly) are true digital nomads in that they have been living all over the world for years while working on their ever-expanding businesses. In this episode, we discuss digital nomad visas (& how things line up as they are supposed to), what the journey looks like from scrapping by to fully location independent, and why it is smart to build your business with a lifestyle-first mindset to avoid a lot of stressors that happen when you are growing your business.  We also get into why travel doesn't have to be the thing you build everything around, how having an exit strategy for your business is a positive thing especially when you are first starting it up, and how you know when you need to pivot or pull the plug. What was you