Donny And The Machine

156 Jessie Salas | Foundation Training



Todays guest, is Jessie Salas, Jessie is the program director for a method of fitness called Foundation training. Foundation Training is a simple solution that gives you the means to change the way you move and correct the imbalances caused by our modern habits. Through a series of body-weight exercises, Foundation Training activates your posterior muscle chain, anchors the hips, decompresses the spine, and teaches you to take the burden of supporting the body out of your joints and put it where it belongs; in your muscles. No matter your age or your fitness level, Foundation Training puts you on the path to wellness. I met Jessie in Maui, at the MauiFit Convention in 2021. I met him in the XPT barrel sauna, and over heard him talking about several holistic health practices and quantum physics ideas that resonated strongly with me. Jessie is also a retired fire fighter, and after 17 years on the job, theres definitely a “burning” desire in him that wants to share some insight about how to train your nervou