Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

6 Things You Need to Do Now to Set Yourself Up for Success Next Year



We have just over two months left this year and as I was working on next week’s podcast, it came to me that there is really something that comes before the topic of the next podcast which is, “Setting yourself up for success in the new year”. Now is the time for some front-end reflection and planning before taking those next steps to actually work on those things in our business. It's also time to think about leveling up. Making the decision to level up is all about your mindset. So, this week I wanted to create a mini-episode that lays out some pre-work; things you can do to prepare for the next episode. So here we go; this is going to be short and sweet!   About Next Week's Show... Now I’ll just give you a little "heads up" that in next week’s show we will be talking about these 6 things: Your marketing Your existing branding Your CRM and follow-up system for your leads Your Website Systems and processes Outsourcing Next week, I’m going to give you some simple steps for getting all those things in order b