Manga Mavericks

EP. 218: Red Sprite



On this episode of Manga Mavericks, Colton & Lum are joined by both Maxy Barnard of Friendship Effort Victory and Shonen Flop, as well as Doctor from the SSAA Podcast, to discuss yet another Jump Stop manga with Tomohiro Yagi's Red Sprite! A series centered around protagonist, Tatsu Frampt, who after having his orphan friends taken away to be used as human batteries by a definitely-not-fascist government, crashes their country's dictator's highly televised rally and commandeers an airship in order to find his friends and start up their own independent nation! The nation of Manga Mavericks however is a little split this time around, as some of its citizens find this series to be sort of an enjoyable, breezy read, despite it clearly not living up to its potential. While other citizens find this series so frustratingly barren of any kind of set up and payoff for anything it wants to explore, that they might just consider it one of the worst Jump Stop manga ever covered on the show! What side do you fall on?