Love And Courage

Chuck Collins (live) - on inequality, Trump, trees & people power



Chuck is one of America’s leading economic equality campaigners, a Senior Scholar at the Institute of Policy Studies, a co-editor of, an author of several books including his autobiography Born on Third Base, and a longtime advisor to Senator Bernie Sanders. Chuck is also well known for his incredible story of growing up in a life of huge wealth and privilege and how he ended up giving away his fortune. This is something he talks about in this interview as well as discussing topics ranging from Donald Trump and populism, philanthropy, the potential and prospects of people power, and his particular interest in the world of trees. Just to say the main interview was approximately 60 minutes and this is then followed by a questions and answers session with the audience. Some of the questions from the audience didn’t get picked up by the microphones but they should make sense when you hear Chuck respond. It was a great experience doing the live interview from Wynn’s Hotel in Dublin and to meet so ma