Love And Courage

Marianne Williamson - spiritual teacher, author, activist



World renowned spiritual teacher, author and lecturer Marianne Williamson has for the past 35 years been a popular voice in American public life, featuring extensively on television shows such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Bill Maher. Originally from Houston, Texas, she is the author of 12 books, four of which have been no. 1 bestsellers, including A Return To Love, a book which led Oprah to become an important champion of her work. Marianne has always had a practical side to her writing, speaking and teaching. In 1989 she founded a meals-on-wheels programme that served homebound people with AIDS and she also co-founded the Peace Alliance. In 2014 she ran for congress but was unsuccessful. However,  as you’ll hear in this interview, this hasn’t stopped her political campaigning and by the sounds of it we may not have seen the last of her political ambitions. It was fascinating to learn about her remarkable life story when I sat down with her in her home near central park in Manhattan. I