Hash It Out

S05EP#10: Racism in Healthcare



Racial discrimination permeates the healthcare systems of many countries, including the United States. This has negative consequences for both patients and healthcare workers, leading to higher risks of illness and, in some cases, lower standards of care for people of color (POC). CDC identifies racism as a fundamental driver of racial and ethnic health disparities to advance health equity and build a healthier nation. In our episode, we will be discussing racism in healthcare, particularly how racism impacts health, health inequity, racial underrepresentation, not only in clinics or hospitals but also in the insurance marketplace, factors, and ways to tackle the issue. Resources 1. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/henriettalacks/upholding-the-highest-bioethical-standards.html 2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/racism-in-healthcare#how-racism-impacts-health 3. https://www.stkate.edu/academics/healthcare-degrees/racism-in-healthcare