Off-kilter With Rebecca Vallas

SSI at 50: The Safety Net America Forgot



This week, Off-Kilter’s taking a quick break from the ongoing series of conversations Rebecca’s been having with leaders around the limiting beliefs we as a collective must release and replace to pave the way for economic liberation, to bring you a discussion Rebecca had last week at a virtual event hosted by The Century Foundation and the Disability Economic Justice Collaborative to mark October 2022 as the fiftieth anniversary of Supplemental Security Income, or SSI—a long-forgotten and badly neglected component of our nation’s safety net.  For more: Watch the full SSI at 50 virtual anniversary event Read more from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities about the human consequences of decades of federal neglect of SSI Read about updating SSI would mean to its disabled and older beneficiaries, in their own words Learn more about the bipartisan push to update SSI’s antiquated $2,000 asset limit Dig into the TCF-Data for Progress polling finding overwhelming bipartisan support for updating SSI