Pacey Performance Podcast

Science and application of velocity based training with Dan Baker, Lachlan Wilmot and Jonathon Weakley



On this week's Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Dan Baker, Lachlan Wilmot and Jonathon Weakley. This episode was originally recorded in 2020 as a Live roundtable but because the information on velocity based training (VBT) was so incredible, we decided to release it as a podcast. Dan, Lachlan and Jonathon are most certainly authorities in this area from both a practical and academic perspective. All three of these guys know this area inside out. Firstly we start by tackling a few misunderstandings when it comes to VBT and then chat through why each of the guests decide to implement VBT in their different environments. There seems to be a disconnect between the science of VBT and its application. On paper it looks great but implementing it in practice seems to be a barrier to some coaches. Is it the technology available, is it athlete buy-in, is it friction when it comes to programming? Jonathon gives his view here given his recent review of this area in his paper, Velocity-based training: From th