Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

How to Finish the Year Strong



With just over two months left in the year, today I want to talk about how to finish the year strong. When you are focused and you have a plan, two months is actually quite a bit of time if you are focused on things that will actually move your business forward.  I also want to talk about something we don’t often think about and that is decluttering. Specifically decluttering both your mind and your physical space. Here are 6 things you need to take a look at: Your marketing Your existing branding Your CRM and follow-up systems for your leads Your website Systems and processes Outsourcing If you take this time to review these 6 things now, you will be able to walk into January 1 feeling like your business is in order and you are ready to hit the ground running. Key Highlights: [00:01 - 06:16] Opening Segment • Let's dig into 6 things to do in the new year to finish strong • Make sure to take a look at what is working and not working • Why marketing is one of the most important areas to focus on in the new y