Arden First Baptist Church

Holy Habits: Fasting - Audio



Holy Habit #7: Fasting Fasting: Why do devoted disciples fast? Today’s Question: Why do devoted disciples fast? WHY should I fast? Isaiah 58:6-12 (NLT) If you don’t get your self under control, your life will become out of control. The practical aspect of fasting is that fasting helps you say “no” to yourself so that you can say “yes” to God! Fasting helps you gain control over your body and over your life. If you struggle with control issues, it’s time to look at the holy habit of fasting! Matthew 25:36-40 Fasting unleashes needed breakthroughs in your personal life (v. 8) Deliverance comes through fasting. Healing is promoted through fasting. Divine direction is released through fasting. Divine protection is activated through fasting. Long awaited answers to prayer happen through fasting. Daniel 10:12-14 (NLT) Help for others is motivated through fasting. Radiance is illuminated through fasting. Personal vitality is restored through fasting. Restoratio