The Food Heals Podcast with Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy

240: The Secrets to a Healthy Microbiome - How to Heal Your Gut and Heal Your Life with the Gut Health MD, Dr. B



You’re only 10% human. Yes, really.   Just over a decade ago, doctors believed there were around 200 species of bacteria living on and in the human body. We now know there are over 30,000 species. We have a community of 100 trillion microorganisms in our gut. That is 10 times the number of human cells in the body. This basically means we’re 10% human, 90% bacteria!   The microbiome was an unknown entity, but now science has shown it to be a game changer. It’s an integral part of our health, and if we can support it, we can thrive.   We are in a synergistic relationship with the microorganisms in our body - we need them to survive, and they need us. They’ve been a part of us since the beginning of human evolution. But we’re bailing on them right now. In the last century, we’ve stopped taking care of them. Our diets (the chemicals we use to process our food), environment (the chemicals we use to clean our homes), lifestyles (lack of sleep, lack of movement, stress), medications (antibiotics) - destroy the