The Food Heals Podcast with Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy

238: Transform Yourself From The Outside In With Makeover & Dating Expert Kimberly Seltzer



New year, new you! We always feel like a makeover is needed in January. So what better way to begin 2019 than with style coach Kimberly Seltzer?   You might not realize it, but your outfits are more than just clothes. They say a lot about you. They can keep you feeling down, block love, and give away your power. Yes, really. Wearing muted colors, going for the bigger size, wrapping up in layers all send a strong message, both to the outside world and to yourself: that you are not confident and are not comfortable in your own skin. From that space, implementing positive change is an uphill struggle.   Often, we’re told that if we work on what’s on the inside - our mindset - we can transform what’s on the outside. But this can work the other way too: a great outfit can make you feel empowered, and over time this boosts your confidence and improves your mindset, so you can attract what you want - whether it’s in love or in business. If you work on both your mindset and your wardrobe, transformation gets much