The Georgia Politics Podcast

Recapping the 2022 Midterm Elections



Welcome to this special episode of The Georgia Politics Podcast where the panel goes over the results of Tuesday night’s Midterm Elections. In Georgia, the big takeaways are that incumbent Governor Brian has defeated Stacey Abrams in their 2018 rematch and that incumbent US Senator Raphael Warnock is headed to a December 6th runoff with challenger Herschel Walker. It also looks like Republicans will net +1 in US Congressional seats. In other statewide races, Republicans swept the board, and successfully held their positions of power for Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General and more. For the state legislature, Democrats net +1 in the State Senate and +3 in the State House. On the show the panel also talk about the influx of money into this year’s races, notably for Marcus Flowers, who raised over $20 million in his attempt to unseat Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene, who ultimately won by over 30 points. Is this further proof that money has a diminishing influence in politics, or something