Spark Cast

John | What Is Truth? [Kevin Neuner]



In John 18, the trials and interrogations of Jesus intensify, and they culminate in a dialogue with Pontius Pilate, the governor of the Roman Province of Judea. But this trial, as it is told, is not simply about Jesus' violations against the Roman Empire. This is much more about a clash of kingdoms, of authorities, and of worldviews. At its most profound, this is an epistemological inquisition. In other words, this is a question of "truth." GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. What do the words "emet" and "aleithia" mean to you, in your own words? 2. Share some other examples of how one was emphasized over the other, and what it would look like to ensure both are equally expressed and valued. 3. Do you have a tendency to emphasize one over the other? (Perhaps in one area of your life you emphasize "emet" over aleithia," and in another area of your life it's the opposite?) 4. How can Jesus followers advanced this understanding of "truth" more into the world?