Concussion Talk Podcast

Interview Series Episode 2 - Dr. David Ellemberg, neuropsychologist



Dr. David Ellemburg is a neuropsychologist researcher at University of Montreal. Dr. Ellemburg is focused on understanding the organization and functional plasticity of the human brain during its development, recovery from brain injury and the limits of this plasticity In this episode he discusses what research is currently working on in regards to TBI and concussions in sports.Concussion Chats is a podcast hosted by the McGill Students for the Concussion Legacy Foundation, with the help of Nick from Concussion Talk. This podcast is dedicated to providing strength and hope, to those suffering from concussions through sharing experiences. Join us to hear recordings of more of our featured speakers, who’ve spoken to our peer-to-peer run concussion support group.To find out more about the McGill Students for Concussion Legacy Foundation or to get involved visit: Concussion MTLInstagram: group: fr