Power Station

The Biden White House created this opportunity, $650m in cash relief for formerly excluded farmworkers, meatpackers and grocery workers.



  When Cleofas Rodriguez says that leading the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association is his dream job, believe him. He knows first-hand the risks that farmworkers face because of their immigration status and exposure to dangers in the fields. As executive director of NMSHSA, Cleo honors farmworkers by ensuring that their children are educated. He does this by supporting Head Start agencies in over 30 states that serve families who may move multiple times a year to harvest crops. Doing so requires logistical coordination, expertise in early childhood education and a deep commitment to these families. In previous episodes, we have talked to children of farmworkers who are now in college and working as NMSHSA Fellows. Cleo is now realizing a vision for these families that originated during the pandemic. When millions of Americans received stimulus checks, farmworkers were excluded. The Biden Administration is now extending cash relief to farmworkers, meat packers and grocery workers. NMHSA is part