Pursue Your Spark

#174 - How To Reclaim Your Confidence To Do The Things You Want Over 50/ft. Kelly Howard



We are discussing many women's objections to taking care of themselves and prioritizing themselves in midlife. We know how it can feel to be stuck. We know how it feels to be doing all the things for everyone else and to put your needs last. So we love when women decide they will give themselves the gift of health, freedom, and feeling great!  Kelly Howard has been connecting women to fitness, freedom, and fun by guiding them to apply consistency, mindset, and adventure to their lives for over 20 years. As a serial entrepreneur (she created and sold four companies), she's changed thousands of lives with her Fit is Freedom podcast, courses, and events, and she is a contributing author to a bestseller.  One of our biggest tips regarding your health and fitness is to find the things you enjoy doing to stay active. Then, start with a plan and find ways to make your brain happy while you work towards your goals. When you are doing the things you enjoy, it's much easier to do them because your brain is on board.  "