Pursue Your Spark

#170 - How To Age Powerful Instead Of Graceful/ft. Judy Arazoza



Have you ever asked what the heck is graceful aging?! Judy Arazoza and I are asking that very question in this episode. We would rather age powerfully! Many women struggle with body image, especially as we age and our body begins to change. Our post-menopausal body might not be the same as it once was. Try re-examining your focus, and instead of comparing your body to when it was younger or to someone else's body, start looking at all your body has done for you, is doing for you, and can do for you. It is wonderful to appreciate and be grateful for the things our bodies do for us. Cultivating the habit of practicing gratitude and being thankful is a tremendous exercise we can do for ourselves.  Judy's background is in health care, and after raising four kids, she strongly desired to return to a health-related profession. She is the owner of Grateful Fitness, where she helps women in midlife be consistent with healthy habits, including fitness, nutrition, and mindset. As fitness pros, we are responsible for cu