Pursue Your Spark

#169 - The Astounding Power Of Feeling Connected For Women In Their Midlife Challenges/ ft Jen Marples



Have you ever felt like you are too old? There could be nothing further from the truth! Midlife is a wonderful time of life to seize what you want and go for it.  Why? Because midlife is the BEST part of life. You’re Not Too F***ing Old!™ to take a stand, have a seat at the table, make a massive impact, change the conversation, start a business, get divorced, get married, and do whatever the hell you want to do! Our guest for this episode, Jen Marples is a champion of women in midlife and a cheerleader for ALL women. She’s an entrepreneur, life and business coach for women, podcaster, and motivational speaker. She puts women first and lets them know they are Not Too F***ing Old!™ to have the life and business they desire.  There is a false narrative around midlife for women that we can not accomplish anything else because we are too old. This leaves many midlife women feeling unseen and defeated. This message is not coming from other women, so why are we listening to it!?  Midlife women are not too old to do