Pursue Your Spark

#168 - 3 Simple Ways To Eat Whole Foods Instead Of Eating Clean



Are you searching to find the perfect diet or diet approach? We are feeling pressured to have that bikini body, especially now that summer is here and many people have turned to the clean eating diet. Recently, I was asked in a podcast interview what I thought of “clean eating,” and let me tell you that I have very strong feelings about this diet approach.  In the end, clean eating is a fad diet based on the belief that consuming whole foods and avoiding convenience food and other processed foods offers certain health benefits. I don’t want to criticize anyone's way of eating, I only want to provide my evidence-based opinion.  I’m sharing what clean eating is, what it’s not, and why I would recommend not to overcomplicate your meal planning and eating strategies with the “clean eating” approach. Eating clean doesn’t necessarily mean that person is taking the best approach for their health.  In this episode, I share my top 3 tips to focus on eating whole foods instead of the clean eating diet. Eating clean can