Pursue Your Spark

#160 - The importance of finding exercises you love /Ft. Joni Grant



Aging and losing strength, balance, endurance is frightening. Starting a fitness program at 50, 60, or 70 is pretty scary. The trick is to find something you love doing, or you are in love with the results. You have to want it to keep yourself going. Finding something that you love, enjoy, and repeat makes the fitness journey easier. Today, my guest is Joni Grant, a competitive powerlifter, personal trainer, and movement specialist. She wasn't always strong and fit, but quite the opposite. Joni discovered resistance training at the age of 58 and fell in love with it. Joni loves feeling strong, and that journey translated into writing her first book, Train To Age. Joni learned you can't let other people dictate to you what you can and can not do. Many people tried to tell her she couldn't lift heavy things because she was a woman. After all, Joni was too old because she did not know what she was doing. When she found the right trainer to teach her, Joni was unstoppable.  Joni says: "Who knew that picking up he