Pursue Your Spark

#155 - How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Women And Be Happier



Have you said or heard someone else say: "I want to have a body like Tina Turner!" or "I wonder what she is eating to look so good?" All too often, we compare ourselves to others without even noticing. Diving into why comparing is natural and how it can influence how you feel is essential to taking back control of your thoughts and feelings. Also, finding out about the different ways comparison works and what to do instead is critical to conquering it.  Comparisons are a normal part of human behavior. We observe others and compare ourselves to them. If we are better than they are, then we feel like champions, and if not, we feel depressed or stressed. Starting to notice your thoughts around other people and your actions point you in the right direction. Remember, it's ok to self-assess and self-reflect to reach your goals and find out where you are in the process and what you need to improve on.  In this week's episode, you'll learn how to stop comparing yourself to other women be happier.    Click here to li