Pursue Your Spark

#153 - 5 Life-Changing Healthy Habits To Adopt In 2022



This year you might be preparing for the holiday in the same way you have many other years. But, if you’re like most people, you might be able to identify with one or all of the following questions: Are you exercising ahead of the holidays because you know that you’ll miss most of your workouts? Are you closing your eyes, ignoring all the healthy eating habits you established, and just not worrying about what happens during the holidays until January? Are you pre-dieting to lose some weight before the holidays? Do you tell yourself that this pattern is just what you do every year?  I can ask you more questions, but you get the idea. The New Year’s Resolution or diet that many of us attempt to take control of our health, again, does not always serve us very well. Realistically this year will be very similar to how you always spend your holidays. The steps you take are the key to your success, and I’m sharing 5 small healthy habits that you CAN stick to in 2022 and beyond. Creating small habits that you can do