Pursue Your Spark

#147- 5 Tips For A Strong and Lean Core For Women Over 50s By Thanksgiving



Followed by the episode's summary, the bottom line is that there seems to be a pattern between weight gain and the holidays every year. These include Halloween parties, Thanksgiving, and other holiday feasts. You may plan to invite your family over or to visit them during the holidays. That means you’ll eat more and move less. Why is it important to have strong abs and a strong core? I want you to start this end of the year a bit different than other years by starting to strengthen your abs and core. Not only is it helpful when you schlepp your luggage through the airport, lift a grandkid in the air, and play active games with your grown kids. But strong abs and core have so many health benefits, especially as we are getting older. So I’m also sharing my 5 top core exercises that anyone can do to strengthen their abs and core.  This episode includes 5 tips to get strong and lean core for women over 50s plus a video for you to get started with great exercises. You can have a strong core and great-looking abs a