Pursue Your Spark

#145 - 5 Ways How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself Forever



Are you self sabotaging? What are some of the signs and ways you could be doing it? For example, you followed a nutrition or fitness program for the longest time and reached your goals. But then something happened, and during your Netflix binge, the snack gremlins come out, and you couldn’t help but give in. So you’re thinking, why am I doing this to myself??? Why am I sabotaging what I worked so hard for?  Do these sound familiar to you?  Self sabotage is when you undermine your own goals and values. You do things that directly conflict with your goals. There are two forms of self sabotage. Conscious and unconscious, and they may vary how they may be showing up for you. Many of my clients come to me feeling helpless and frustrated with stories of self sabotage. If you want to know how to stop sabotaging yourself for good, the key is to start building your emotional tolerance and understand what needs your self sabotage serves within yourself. I also share the three self sabotaging habits that you need to bre