Diana Kander: Professional Af

The Shocking After Action Review of New Coke - with Sergio Zyman



It's been 35 years since the launch of New Coke and we're still talking about it. What has been labeled one of the greatest product failures in corporate history, has actually been grossly mislabeled. It's actually the greatest story of a corporate pivot that I've ever heard. Within 12 days of launch, the company shifted gears and within 77 days they were able to introduce coke classic and create a significant boost to sales. The sales boost was so high that some people at the time even speculated that the new coke failure was done on purpose to draw attention to coke classic. This is an incredible story that rewards not taking long established tales at face value and getting curious about what really happened. 6 things to know about today's guest Sergio Zyman:He was named one of the Top Three marketing pitchmen of the 20th century by Time magazine.He created New Coke, as well as diet coke, cherry coke, and coke classic.He was influential in the positioning and development of the strategy that resulted in th