Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Before It’s Too Late: When Speaking Up Is A Matter of Life or Death.



Join us for a heartfelt, raw, authentic account of a family’s eight-month-long nightmare that resulted in a mother’s unfortunate death from ovarian cancer. In this episode, you’ll meet Melissa Mullamphy, a self-described “insufferable a**hole” when she wants to get things done... She is now a woman on a mission to help people navigate a convoluted and complicated healthcare system.When I was introduced to Melissa, her journey intrigued me. She shared, “During my mother’s cancer diagnosis and treatment, I saw first-hand the failures of a broken medical system—a system full of good people working in a critically deficient framework.” I could relate.During our chat, she passionately shares from her memoir, ‘Not in Vain, a Promise Kept,’ an unflinching chronicle of loss and a real-life look at her family’s medical torment; just some of what she shares is:• Practical, actionable advice for patients, families, and loved ones to get the care they deserve,• How to facilitate communication and cooperation at all heal